
Ready, Set, Grow Life Skills Program

Our Ready, Set, Grow Life Skills Program nurtures curious and confident explorers through a unique blend of nature play, practical skills development, and creative expression. This program fosters a love for learning with hands-on, play-based experiences, equipping children with the tools they need to thrive in school and beyond. Built on the Early Years Learning Framework, the program guides each child to become an engaged learner.

Wildhood warriors kenmore hills early learning

Our Programs

Nature Play

Children will embark on regular outdoor adventures, exploring the wonders of the natural world. Activities include:

    • Nature hikes and scavenger hunts
    • Sensory exploration with natural materials (leaves, rocks, water)
    • Learning about local flora and fauna
    • Planting and tending our garden


Kitchen Creations

We ignite our children’s creativity with food and explore healthy eating habits through:

    • Fun and safe cooking activities with our chef (making snacks, decorating pizzas)
    • Learning about food origins and nutrition
    • Kitchen garden integration (planting herbs, harvesting vegetables)

Active Explorers

We actively promote physical activity, coordination, and teamwork through:

    • Age-appropriate sports activities (obstacle courses, ball games)
    • Creative movement and dance classes
    • Regular sports and dance incursion activities

Green Fingers

This program connects children with nature and teaches them valuable life skills through:

  • Planting seeds and nurturing plants
  • Learning about composting and sustainability
  • Taking care of the classroom garden

Wildhood Warriors

This program instills our children with empathy and responsibility for animals through:

    • Age-appropriate interactions with our own animals and inviting guest speakers with animals)
    • Learning about animal needs and habitats
    • Participating in animal care activities (feeding, cleaning) for our own animals. Learn more here.

School Readiness

We provide children with an introduction to the school environment, including:

    • Early literacy and numeracy skills through play-based learning
    • Social and emotional learning (sharing, taking turns, following instructions)
    • Fine and gross motor skill development through a holistic active play program (pencil/scissor skills, coordination skills, outdoor play)

Arty Adventures

Our children explore their inner artist and various creative mediums through:

    • Painting, drawing, and sculpting with natural and recycled materials
    • Exploring different art techniques and styles
    • Art projects inspired by nature and their adventures

Benefits for Our Children

Sparking Curiosity: We ignite children’s natural inquisitiveness by providing a space where they can freely explore and ask questions.

Learning Through Play: Our engaging and fun learning experiences make education a natural extension of play.

Developing Life Skills: We emphasise fostering independence, problem-solving abilities, and a sense of wonder – all whilst having fun.

Preparation for School: We help to build foundational skills and instill a love for learning that sets the stage for future academic success.

Our Ready, Set, Grow Life Skills Program provides a nurturing and stimulating environment where children can develop essential life skills, cultivate a love for learning, and embark on exciting adventures in the natural world. We focus on setting children up for success by ensuring they are well-rounded and ready for school, equipping them with the social, emotional, language  and cognitive skills necessary for a bright future.

Wildhood warriors kenmore hills early learning
Wildhood warriors kenmore hills early learning
kenmore hills